3+ Year experienced java questions asked by CGI.
2) What you know about our company?
3) What is transient variable ?
4) Write the code to initialize the inner class members.
Ans : Code here
8) What type of loading is class.forname() ?
9) What is Hibenate 3 best benfits ?
11) How to define a field name in hibernate using annotation ?
Ans:- @Column (Its provided by java persistent API).
12) What is Synchronization ?
Ans:- Synchronization is a solution for concurrency issue. Java provide 'synchronized' keyword for implementing this.
13) The most commonly used classes in collectionsn ?
1) Tell me about your self ?
Ans : Just describe yourself with cool & confidence.
2) What you know about our company?
Ans : Remember , it’s a very crucial question. You must do one R&D before going to interview. You should know about their product, technical stuffs they are working, market value of the company ane other important stuffs.
3) What is transient variable ?
Ans : Transient variables are not serializable. It helps to avoid a variable to being serialization.
4) Write the code to initialize the inner class members.
Ans : Code here
public class InnerClassTest {
5) How to retrieve the elements from the collection write the code ?class innerTest{private int age;public void display(){System.out.println("Age="+age);}}/*** @param args*/public static void main(String[] args) {InnerClassTest.innerTest innerObj=new InnerClassTest().new innerTest();innerObj.age=20;innerObj.display();}}
Ans : Java provides certain interfaces by using that we can retrieve the elements from collection.Example – Iterator, ListIterator and Enumeration.
Example :- ArrayList data retrivalpublic class ArrayListRetrive {/*** @param args*/public static void main(String[] args) {ArrayList<String> arList=new ArrayList<String>();arList.add("Java");arList.add("is");arList.add("Powerful!!!");//Retrive elements from ArrayList using IteratorIterator iTer=arList.iterator();while(iTer.hasNext()){System.out.println(iTer.next());}}}
6) What is static and instance variables and methods ?
Ans : Static variables are per class but the instance variables are per object. All object share a single copy of static variable. In case of static method , no need of object creation for calling static method. The static method can directly call by using class name. Instance method need object for calling.
7) What is dynamic loading and static loading of java class ?
Ans : Dynamic class loading is by Class.forName() , which loads the class dynamically. Also you can use reflection for dynamic class loading. But, the static class loading is working by using ‘new’ keyword.
8) What type of loading is class.forname() ?
Ans : Its dynamically locate and loads the class.
9) What is Hibenate 3 best benfits ?
Ans : There are many benefits of hibernate. But the most benefits are below :-
1. It reduces the developer effort to writing queries.
2. Its easy to use with relational object which maps with java class and database relation.
3. Query tuning is not required and it implements separates cache which is reason for better performance.
10) I have 100 tables and fields. I want to find one table name and column names. Write a quey .
Ans : I have used mySQL database for this below query.
11) How to define a field name in hibernate using annotation ?
12) What is Synchronization ?
13) The most commonly used classes in collectionsn ?
Ans : ArrayList, LinkedList, HashTable, HashMap and ConcurrentHashMap, etc.
All the Best for Interview !!!
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