How to install JBoss Fuse ?
Go to the site and download JBoss Fuse Service Works 6.1.0 Jar (Installer). Or check other versions.
Make sure you have a JDK of your choice installed. We recommend OpenJDK or Oracle JDK.
In Windows or Mac, you can extract the contents of the ZIP archive by double clicking on the ZIP file. In Linux, open a terminal window in the target machine and navigate to where the ZIP file was downloaded. Extract the ZIP file by executing the following command:
You can now (optionally) install the Integration Stack for JBoss Developer Studio. This provides IDE support for developing JBoss FSW applications. For more details, see the Getting Started Page.
Once you extact the zip file you will the folder as jboss-fuse-6.1.0.redhat-379 . Go to the folder as command below.
dev@jdg-developer-desktop ~/Downloads $ cd /home/dev/Downloads/jboss-fuse-6.1.0.redhat-379
dev@jdg-developer-desktop ~/Downloads/jboss-fuse-6.1.0.redhat-379 $ ls
bin data dependencies.txt deploy etc extras fabric lib licenses license.txt notices.txt quickstarts readme.txt system
dev@jdg-developer-desktop ~/Downloads/jboss-fuse-6.1.0.redhat-379 $ cd bin/
dev@jdg-developer-desktop ~/Downloads/jboss-fuse-6.1.0.redhat-379/bin $ ls
admin admin.bat client client.bat fuse fuse.bat karaf karaf.bat patch patch.bat setenv setenv.bat start start.bat status status.bat stop stop.bat
dev@jdg-developer-desktop ~/Downloads/jboss-fuse-6.1.0.redhat-379/bin $ ./fuse
Please wait while JBoss Fuse is loading...
100% [========================================================================]
_ ____ ______
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_ | | _ < / _ \/ __/ __| | __| | | / __|/ _ \
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\____/|____/ \___/|___/___/ |_| \__,_|___/\___|
JBoss Fuse (6.1.0.redhat-379)
Hit '<tab>' for a list of available commands
and '[cmd] --help' for help on a specific command.
Open a browser to http://localhost:8181 to access the management console
Create a new Fabric via 'fabric:create'
or join an existing Fabric via 'fabric:join [someUrls]'
Hit '<ctrl-d>' or 'osgi:shutdown' to shutdown JBoss Fuse.
No user found in etc/ Please use the 'esb:create-admin-user'
command to create one.
Installation Success
Now your JBoss Fuse Started and ready for your service. You can now configure and deploy any supportive service. Now test your JBoss Fuse is running from browser as below screenshots.
Open your browser with this published link http://localhost:8181
Remember, if this page is showing it means your JBoss Fuse is running.Now you need the login to access the management console. So, you need to create the fabric as instructed in the command. Here I have used the default admin/admin username and password. You need to uncomment the username and password line inside /etc/ user properties.
After login successful the below screens :-
Wecome Page
ActiveMQ : This need proper configuration and its not in this scope.
Really there are so many other useful and supportive implementation are there, which will really helpful if you are really looking a SOA play station :) Will keep posting with useful examples and configuration for your help.
- How to install Jboss Fuse on Linux ?
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- How to install Jboss Developer Studio on Linux ?
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