20 January, 2017

Windows 10 disk usage shows 99%

Windows 10 disk usage shows 99%

Are you facing same issue with Window 10 OS. This is a big messy issue with new 
Windows 10 ,while you are trying to work with your old favorite  laptop/desktop.
You can't work with this slower computer. 

Windows 10 has some certain feature services you need to stop/disable for making
your computer faster. If you check the task manger, you can see the disk usage 
shows 99% , even you are not doing anything in your computer.

Follow the below steps to fix :-

1. Search for Services (Desktop App) or open run command and type services.msc.
2. Find the Superfetch and change the status type disabled.Also stop that service.

     Click on Stop button.
3. Then find the Windows Search and change the status type disabled.Also stop that service.

     Click on Stop button.

Now you can check the task manager, the disk space usage has reduced. I worked for me :)

Hope this will help you!!!

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