Java Developers Guide is basic guide for IT Professionals, freshers and students.This blog provides tips and information about java,Struts,Spring,Hibernate and Web Services.
To change/configure the user name at your local machine is very easy, but the user name issue is often trouble to developer.
Usually you will get the below error :-
remote: refs/heads/bugfix/testtagging: bd04a65ec413cecbd11cadc336cb4dd25fa3d935: expected committer name 'Manoj Kumar Bardhan' but found 'manojkumar.bardhan'
To fix this , you need to configure the user name as expected. First check what is the existing user name before set to new.
Really creating tag is one of the best practice for development and maintain version.
As per my understanding production release for your code is a nightmare , we don't know what will happen ???????
Also to maintain the code base stable and safety we need this tagging. This is quite often developers do goooooogle for tagging the their code (branch / master) for safety and reference future use.
This is quite simple , and below example will help you to understand the commands on command line.
Clone your code branch (use clone command to clone the code)
Switch your expected branch (i.e. bugfix/jdctagging) , which you want to create tagging and make sure you are inside the expected branch.
dev@jdg-developer-desktop ~/jdgtaggingdemo/test $ git checkout bugfix/jdctagging Branch bugfix/testing set up to track remote branch bugfix/jdctagging from origin. Switched to a new branch 'bugfix/jdctagging' dev@jdg-developer-desktop ~/jdgtaggingdemo/test $ git branch * bugfix/jdctagging master
Create the tag with below command, you can specify the tag version name.
dev@jdg-developer-desktop ~/jdgtaggingdemo/test $ git tag -a "v1.taging.version1" -m "commiting with for test tagging for my branch code"
Check the tag got created on above command.
dev@jdg-developer-desktop ~/jdgtaggingdemo/test $ git tag v1.taging.version1
Push the newly created tag into remote server (stash)
dev@jdg-developer-desktop ~/jdgtaggingdemo/test $ git push origin v1.taging.version1 Password for '': To * [new tag] v1.taging.version1 -> v1.taging.version1
If you don't want to push the tag by name and you want to push all tags then use below command. In my example I have only created one tag and I didn't use the below command.
git push origin --tags
Now you can see the [new tag] got created on remote server. See the snapshot below , showing the tag on stash.